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The Fifth by Northwest Area Commission consists of residents, employees, and property owners of the City of Columbus in the Fifth By Northwest Area. The commission strives to do the following:

  • Study problems and needs of the area

  • Recommend solutions and bring these needs to the attention of proper government agencies

  • Determine the need for, and recommend legislation affecting the area

  • Provide communication within the area and between the area and city government

  • Solicit cooperation of all segments of the community; afford additional voluntary citizen participation in decision-making in an advisory capacity to the city administration and city council 

  • Develop techniques for creating and promoting a community dialogue so that the different values and interests of residents, employees, and property owners can be articulated and understood


Find our area commission at the City of Columbus here


The Fifth by Northwest Area Commission meets on the First Tuesday of each month at St. Luke's United Methodist Church - 1150 West Fifth Ave., Columbus, Ohio, 43212 at 7:00 pm.


Neighborhood Boundaries:

North - Kinnear/Chambers Rd.

East - Olentangy River Rd.

South - Third Ave.

West - North Star Ave.

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